White Paper

The IWH-OPM Safety Culture Survey as a Continuous Monitoring Leading Indicator

Predicting Injuries & Elevating Industry Safety Standards 

This white paper is the result of the largest and most comprehensive safety culture survey ever conducted in the Saskatchewan construction industry. With data spanning three years and nearly 800 companies, these findings provide an unparalleled look into the injury trends and safety practices that are shaping the future of construction.

SCS White Paper Preview - Aug 30, 2024 (1)

Dr. Peter Smith

President of the Institute for Work & Health

“At the Institute for Work & Health, our mission is to conduct and mobilize research that supports policy-makers, employers and workers in creating healthy, safe and inclusive work environments. To that end, it is heartening to see health and safety organizations such as the SCSA use the IWH-OPM to both understand organizational health and safety practices over time, and to better understand the relationships between these practices and safety outcomes in Saskatchewan.”

Collin Pullar

President of the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association

“Having insights into one’s own company in a way that can predict incidents is a game changer. We encourage all of our members to utilize this simple but insightful culture survey to better understand where they are doing well, but also better recognize and address weakness in their culture to prevent potential injuries. This is a powerful Canadian-built tool and we would love to see as many companies as possible use it, and learn from it to prevent accidents within their workforces.”

Dr. MK

Data Science Team Lead at EHS Analytics

Our analysis has proven that the Safety Culture Survey is a true leading indicator of safety performance. Finding easy-to-measure, effective leading indicators in safety is incredibly challenging, and the Safety Culture Survey provides companies with the ability to foresee and mitigate potential hazards before they result in incidents. Leading indicators are often considered the 'Holy Grail' in safety for predicting risk, and this tool achieves that goal.”

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